Kindergarten School Social Work Service

Kindergarten School Social Work Service

Service Introduction

The Student Guidance Service forms an integral part of holistic education. In catering for the developmental needs of students while tying in with the Education Reform and the Curriculum Reform, the Kindergarten School Social Work Service aims at assisting the serving kindergarten to establish a comprehensive student guidance system. This system of guidance service will integrate with other systems at kindergartens. Through close collaboration with kindergarten, parents and members of the community, we strike to help kindergarten students achieving whole-person development and life-long learning. Moreover, support will be given to kindergarten students for developing their positive characters, including caring, trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, fairness and citizenship, so as to meet with their life challenges in the future.

Service Targets

Students, parents and teachers of our serving kindergartens.

Service Application

Interested kindergartens may contact Service Head for any enquiry.

Service Contents

Stationing service cater for kindergartens:

  • To provide counseling for students and make referrals
  • To organise developmental mass programmes and training groups
  • To design and implement the Character Education
  • To provide consultation and counseling for parents and training on positive parenting
  • To develop school-based counseling system and policies
  • To provide consultation and training for teachers
  • To assist school crisis management
  • To coordinate and mobilise community resources

Office Hours

Main Office 
Monday8:45am - 5:45pm
Tuesday to Friday9:00am - 5:45pm




Youth & Social Rehabilitation

Youth & Social Rehabilitation

Caring School Award Scheme

