Date: 01/06/2023
The Service is ended on 1 June 2023.
Based on the frontline service experience of PS33 Counselling Service for Psychotropic Substance Abusers over the past decades, many psychotropic substance abusers had experienced different levels of traumas, such as split family, loss of significant others and abuse etc. To some drug abusers, drugs could alleviate or relieve negative physical and emotional reactions. Indeed, the unrelieved emotions triggered by the traumatic experience may be the factor causing the addiction of the drug abusers. Therefore, we wish to assist our service targets to handle their traumas, so as to break the vicious cycle of their drug addiction.
Thanks to the Funding of Beat Drugs Fund, “Project BEAT – Trauma-focused Intervention for Substance Abuse Families” has been launched from 1st June 2021 to 31st May 2023 to support the substance abusers and their family members who had traumatic experience. Given that BEAT refers to Body, Emotion, Attachment, and Trauma, the project aims to make use of the multidisciplinary collaboration that applies a wide variety of physical, psychological, emotional and interpersonal intervention on resolving the traumas of substance abusers and their families to enhance their window of tolerance.
*Service users must receiving drug counselling service to ensure the stability of the drug use.
West Kowloon District (Kowloon City, Shamshuipo & YauTsimMong District)
Service Application
All application should be made and referred by social workers. For enquiries, please call the hotline to contact our social workers.
Service users can discuss with the responsible social workers about the services termination.