JC JoyAge

JC JoyAge

JoyAge Logo


JC JoyAge: Jockey Club Holistic Support Project for Elderly Mental Wellness (JC JoyAge) was initiated and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.  Being one of the service units serving Kwun Tong District, Hong Kong Christian Service is launching the Project from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2023. The Project adopted a stepped care model of integration, facilitating the integration of community elderly service and mental wellness service within the district. According to the severity of depressive symptoms and risk level of the elders, it provides standardised prevention and intervention so that their resilience and mental wellness could be enhanced. 


  • To achieve effective outreaching, engagement, and prevention of depression for at-risk older adults with the collaborative stepped care model. 
  • To build the social capital on promoting mental wellness among older adults by providing trainings for professionals and community stakeholders.
  • To raise public awareness and mental health literacy among family members, neighbours and the larger community by encouraging early assistance for at-risk older adults.

Service Contents

Stepped Care Model

To develop a new service model by integrating the community service of mental wellness with elderly service

Capital Building

To recruit and provide training for elders to become Ambassadors and Peer Supporters, to widen the social support network in the community

Professional Training

To implement staff training in social service organisations and organise public educational events

Service Target

  • Hong Kong residents aged 60 or above with mild to moderate depressive symptoms 
  • Hong Kong residents aged 50 or above who are interested in joining as Ambassadors or Peer Supporters
  • Any local stakeholders interested in co-organising public educational talks and activities


  • Service applicants may contact our project staff for enquiry by phone or in person
  • Referrals from hospitals and other organisations

>>Download referral form<<

Service Termination

Service users may discuss with our social worker for service termination

Service Hours

Mondays to Fridays 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
2:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays Closed

Initated and Funded by

JC Trust logo 

Partner Institution

Elderly, Rehabilitation & Community

Elderly, Rehabilitation & Community
