Jockey Club NICE-LINK Project

Jockey Club NICE-LINK Project

Date: 01/11/2021


With the support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Jockey Club NICE-LINK Project is co-organised by Hong Kong Christian Service and The Nethersole School of Nursing of Chinese University of Hong Kong. This three-year project, from 1 November 2018 to 31 October 2021, works on discovering older adults in need in Kwun Tong District with the setting up of “Nice-link volunteer” team and establishment of “Nice-link Cafe”. Improvement of older adult’s community life and social engagement is our major goal to achieve.

Nice-link volunteers are our major partners who will visit the older adults in need and care about their physical and mental health. They also motivate the older adults to join Nice-link gathering activities. We organize a series of training in the theme of “health and aging” in addition to sponsor volunteers to participate in elective training modules they are interested in. We not only hope the volunteers can help the needy but also getting a chance to equip themselves.


  • Provide person by person follow-up to older adults who are “at the risk of / experiencing social isolation”
  • Improve health of the older adults in need
  • Strengthen the older adult’s connection with the community and build a more age-friendly community network
  • Advocate policies and measures that promote the older adults’ community life
  • Discover communal space to establish gathering spots for the older adults
  • Motivate the older adult to participate in volunteering works

Service Contents

  • Living Support Plan - social workers and service users confer the plan and volunteers are matched for providing support services.
  • Health and Community Network Support- nurses and volunteers lay out contents of health support programme for providing continuous care and home-based health activities to service users.
  • Nice-link Cafe - organize varies social activities in community spots.
  • Nice-link Community Visit – make contact with older adults in need in the community by outreaching service.

Service Boundary

  • Private housing around Shui Wo Street market and Yuet Wah Street<
  • Lower Ngau Tau Kok Estate
  • Private housing around Tak Bo Garden and Amoy Gardens
  • Lok Nga Court

>>Map of Service Boundary <<

Funded by

Strategic partner and cooperator
